Fitting clothes for others Part II
12 h 23pants front
I am so proud !!!! The muslin for the jacket is perfect. I simply need to take a bit in the upper back. The rest is top notch. Elise was between two sizes, so I cut in the middle for the back and upper front. I gave more space for the abdomen zone.pants back
Though the pants are fitting relatively well, they need more waist space. I had cut again in between two sizes except for the abdomen zone that was cut two sizes larger. It still needs 4 cm more at the waist going to nothing a in the hip area. Her upper hips were stronger then the pattern counts. See the back and front pants muslin.
Since her body will evolve a bit in the next few months. I decided on making the front yoke in knit. Since they will be black, it is easy to find. I have in mind a medium weight high quality rayon knit from Madeleine Soie et laine.
If the pants get too big in the next few months, it will be very easy to transform. Elise loved the cut and fit of both piece (jacket and pants).
Well, I am better in fitting others then I though. I felt good when I looked at her wearing those muslin ;-). Still it is a challenge. All adjustments are just about the inverse as what I usually do. I would love to have a dress form for her.
Do you sew for other often ?
5 commentaires
Salut Anne!!
RépondreEffacerMaking clothing for your sister--how very nice of you!! But, that I know about you, already!!
Yes, I sew for others often--Head pillows that match their personalities... That doesn't "count", eh!! ;)
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
RépondreEffacerOf course sewing pillows counts. Taking time to make, create or conceive an object with heart and love always counts. Big hug. AM
Hola Anne,
RépondreEffacerHow are you??I see you very busy...
I don´t sew to much for others,although my sister ask me, but I don´t sew very well so...that ít´s my apology.
Congratulations on your new nephew!!
Salut bella!
RépondreEffacerTu es bien bonne de coudre pour ta soeurette. Ce sera un joli ensemble pour elle! Je ne couds pas tellement pour les autres à part pour ma fille et mon chien :-)
- ce n'est pas trop stressant. Une fois aussi j'ai donné un morceau que j'avais fait à ma mère.
Signé: une revenante du Festival de jazz de Québec ;-)
You are a real trooper to take on fitting pants for one of your first fitting tasks. They are hard to do - good luck.