Fitting clothes for others
13 h 40Today is a simple pleasure day. I started by a wonderful course of tennis and now it is sewing time. My younger sister gave birth 4 1/2 months ago of her second child. She will be back to work in 3 months or so and she desperately needs new clothes.
She asked for a simple Asian jacket and a pair of sleek pants. New Look pattern 6656 seamed to fit the description perfectly.
Aujourd'hui, tout semble converger vers le plaisir. Dès 8h00 j'étais sur le terrain de tennis (avec un gros 6 oC) et par la suite ma soeur est passée pour la prise de mesure. Elle est présentement en congé de maternité et avant son retour au bureau, Élise a grandement besoin de vêtements. Elle désirait avoir une veste aux lignes simples et pures typique des vêtements asiatiques avec un pantalon tout simple également.
Le patron New Look 6656 semblait correspondre parfaitement à la description.Une photo d'Élise et ses deux garçons. Élise with her two sons. Adorables !!!!!
I do not sew for others very often. Therefore, I correct my patterns very instinctively. I am used to my curves. Now it is a new game. Elise has more of a rectangular shape then I. She style has a little bit of abdomen roundness that will be reduced with time. She still breastfeeds, so I also have to anticipate a reduction of breast size and the lowering of her breast apex. So, it is like sewing with my eyes closed. ;-)
Though I know very well how to reduce waist line and accentuate the curve from waist to hip line. Now I have to do the inverse. Needless to say that I am plunging in my fitting books.
I have to run sewing the muslins, the fitting session is tomorrow.
I will tell you how it goes.
L'essayage de la toile se déroule demain. Je vous tiens au courant.
3 commentaires
Hello Ana! Sorry for the delay to respond. In Brazil, there's not 35.5. Do you know your number in the U.S. or Europe? Thank you, Virginia
That is so generous of you and you picked a great pattern; as a rectangle I would definitely wear that jacket. Good luck :)) now you'll get a glimpse of what we waistless beings have to deal with...
RépondreEffacerVery nice pattern. A muslin is a must and I'm sure you will do great fitting her. That is a great
RépondreEffacerpicture of mom and little ones :)