Tennis or Sewing, the big question
12 h 58My keyboard has been so lonely this past weeks. My sewing machine is used a bit more...but not that much.
The highly used item in my house has been this:So much that, I had to buy a new one. It is precise, light and powerful enough for my caliber. Before the courts all close in October, I play 3-4 time a week. When I come back, the shower, the quick lunch and my bed are the only inspiration I have.
Nevertheless, I took some break time at work to read YOUR fantastic blogs.
I will be back soon with messages on fashion, completed sewing projects and projects already started or on the verge to be.
Meanwhile, this is what I look like ;-)If I want to get older elegantly and in good shape; physical activity is a must in my life.
Seee yooouuu !
Please not that all pictures are from
5 commentaires
"If I want to get older elegantly and in good shape; physical activity is a must in my life.
RépondreEffacerSeee yooouuu !"
BECAUSE you are elegant and in good shape, physical activity is a must in your life.
See you!!
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
Bons matches de tennis, il faut faire ce que l'on a envie de faire aussi de temps en temps...
RépondreEffaceroui, j'ai oublié de te remercier pour tes gentils coms sur mon blog:) toujours un plaisir de te lire, à bientôt!
RépondreEffacerJ'adore le tennis comme toi!!..mais je joue seulement une fois par semaine..tant pis.
RépondreEffacerJ'aime beaucoup tes creations!
ce blog est superbe
RépondreEffacerfilippo di parigi