Joindre l'utile à l'agréable - Sewing for fun
13 h 14
En cette journée d'Halloween, le temps se prête merveilleusement bien à la couture. Le ciel est de pluie et de vent. J'en profite donc pour entamer la confection d'une robe pour le Gala Forces Avenir. En effet, le 17 novembre prochain, j'accompagne un groupe d'étudiants en liste pour le prix d'excellence-projet en santé. J'ai eu le plaisir de les guider dans la présentation de leur dossier. Cette fois je n'aurai pas à monter sur le podium. Toutefois, s'ils gagnent, lors des remerciements, j'aurai sûrement une caméra de télé braquée sur moi. Mieux vaut être élégante.
Cette fois, nulle hésitation. J'ai été tentée au premier coup d'oeil par cette robe de Burda Tendance Mode. Les courbes simples et l'encolure rappelle vaguement la robe Galaxie de Roland Mouret. Vous ne trouvez pas ? Bien sûr elle n'est pas coupée à la taille comme l'originale. Puisque j'ai peu de temps, la simplicité me sied à ravir.
Voilà un projet ou je joins l'utile (la robe) à l'agréable (coudre la robe) !
By this rainy and windy Halloween day the weather is excellent for sewing my little black dress. On the November 17, I accompany a group of students in nomination for a price of leadership and excellence at the Forces avenir Gala. They presented their candidacy based on a wonderful project in health sciences. You might ask yourself what was my implication in this. Well I had the immense pleasure of coaching them in presenting their file.
Though this time, I will not be stepping on stage, if they are awarded, there will be a tv camera pointing in my direction. In those type of Gala, they most often direct the camera on those who are winning and on those who are thanked... and they told me I would receive a big thank you !!! ;-) So I better be dressed nicely.
This time, no hesitation. I was tempted right away by this nice little black dress presented in the October 2009 number of Burda World of fashion. The neckline reminded my some how of the most famous Galaxy dress by Roland Mouret. This version is not cut at the waist for more simplicity. Since time is running, this will be perfect.
The fabric I chose is a beautiful silk and wool fabric that present this "stripped" texture. Another beauty bought at Madeleine Soie et Laine on St-HubertClic on the picture to see the fabric from closer
15 commentaires
Oh la la, Anne!! Are you going to add the ruffle to the shoulder?? Oui, j'espere!!
RépondreEffacerSoft H1N1 elbow hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
Hello Rhonda,
RépondreEffacerNo flowers for me ! ;-) I will wear it with a small bolero so that I do not get too cold. Soft hug. Anne
Looks like a lovely choice Anne. Can't wait to see the final result!
RépondreEffacerI love fabrics with texture. It will be gorgeous!
RépondreEffacerBeautiful fabric! Can't wait to see the finished dress.
RépondreEffacerHello ANNE
RépondreEffacerSimple and elegant dress,i love ruffles,looks gorgeous on it,nice choice!
happy week
That will be beautiful! Wish you could get it into the LBD contest on PR (closing today, I think). I hope your students win the prize.
RépondreEffacerHave you seen the new Chanel movie (Coco Before Chanel)? I saw it today and loved it.
Hello Janie,
RépondreEffacerNo, I did not see the Chanel movie yet. I read the book on which it was based I am waiting for it to be on DVD to watch it at home. This way, I can stop the image and look at the clothes for as long as I want ;-). Critics are not all excellent. Do you plan on seeing it ?
That was one of my favorites in that issue too. It is an excellent choice for such an occasion and the fabric is perfect. I'd love to go to this store one day - definitely a fabric I would be looking for.
RépondreEffacerCiao Anna, grazie di essere passata a trovarmi. Questa volta ti scrivo in che mi capirai.
RépondreEffacerHo fatto un viaggio nel tuo blog ed ho scoperto che abbiamo un'altra cosa in comune a parte il tennis: l'amore per la letteratura.
Adoro leggere e scrivere, mi hanno pubblicato anche un racconto quest'anno, mentre adesso sto scrivendo un romanzo e chissà mai se riuscirò un giorno a farlo pubblicare..
Non vergognarti del tuo italiano, sei bravissima.
Hello ANNE
RépondreEffacerhow are you?.
Just stop to say hello and wish you a happy week.
Regards from Spain
Merry Christmas, Anne-Marie!
RépondreEffacerMerry Christmas Anne!
RépondreEffacerYou’ve been tagged. More explanations on my blog. It’s funny and it won’t take too much of your time
Hola Anne!!
RépondreEffacerPues si que llevas razón y hace ya tiempo que no hablabamos...qué tal te va todo?Cómo llevas este largo invierno?Aqui en Málaga no para de llover desde Diciembre, creo que le van a cambiar a esta zona el nombre, en vez Costa del Sol le van a poner Costa de la Agua. Estoy deseando que llegue la primavera, de verdad.