Running and sewing

09 h 25

At first glance, there is no link between the two activities. Well, in my life there is. All week, I run. Run in the morning to get my son and I ready in the morning, I run during the day to get all my work done (universities in Quebec are chronically understaffed) and I run at night not to arrive to late at home to prepare dinner. By the time I am done cleaning, verifying my son's home work and putting him to be it is well past 21 h... There is no way that I have enough energy to sew. I read about sewing, blog about it, read your blogs, think about current or future sewing project, discuss with my beloved one and run to bed exhausted of my days. This week was even worst. 50 hours of work... last night I was on the floor.

With that description, you would never think that my weekend physical activity is running. Well it is. This week was so crazy that I did not have energy to train. In my point of view, training, even just a little bit, is essential to keep my mind and body sane. It relaxes me, it makes me more focused, it improves my muscular tone and that is important to be able to sew long hours. See, everything in life is linked. So the program for today, jogging, exercise with my Swiss ball, free weigh lifting (6 pounds only), shower, super breakfast and the cherry on the sundae... SEWING my dress.

It is 7 degrees Celsius. Perfect temperature for a jog.

See you later !

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3 commentaires

  1. You are very inspirational, Anne-Marie!! 'Always feel better when life is balanced--rarely is, though, eh... Not without the effort to make it so. (Or is that sew? ;)
    Warm greetings,

  2. I run races too. Just 10 milers and a Half now and then.
    It is my is my sewing........that is why I am happy.......
    Happy Mother, Happy Home.

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