I love Go Pattern
13 h 14
Le temps presse. Plus que 6 jours avant la soirée remise de prix. Je dois tailler absolument aujourd'hui. Je me devais donc de terminer ma toile afin de vérifier l'ajustement réalisé à plat sur papier. Comme je l'indiquais dans mon message précédent, j'ai taillé 10 ans au buste, 6 ans à la taille et 8 ans aux hanches. J'ai aussi retiré la poche et dessiné une nouvelle pièce pour le côté. J'adore le fit. Bien sûr le dos ne tombe pas aussi bien qu'avec une fermeture éclaire...Time is running. I really needed to finish the muslin today and cut the dress fabric today as well. I had already correct the pattern using the paper pieces. I cut size 10 at the bust, size for the waist and size 8 for the hips. The flat corrections were good. I am very pleased with the fit. Of course, the pins in the back do not look as good as a zipper. I wonder if I should have done a correction for my shoulder blades. They are a bit protruding.
8 commentaires
It looks great. Once made up in your fabric it will be beautiful.
RépondreEffacerParfait, plus de temps à perdre, le tombé me semble très très bon.
RépondreEffacerJ'attends la suite avec beaucoup d'impatience.
This looks very good on you so far. I think it looks fine without the pockets; I would probably omit them as well.
RépondreEffacerThank you so much for your comment! It really, really helped a lot because I did a little research yesterday and I really liked the G10 but I wasn't sure. Now it's only a matter of time and I will buy the camera!!! Thank you!
RépondreEffacerBy the way: this plan of yours to attend the sewing class is enviable. I am so much looking forward to hearing how it goes!
Have a wonderful Sunday. Yours, Theresa
Hi Anne,
RépondreEffacerThis dress has very simple shapes. The muslin is very useful and the dress will be perfect fitted.
perfect fit Anne. j´adore cette modele..
RépondreEffacerWhat line is so beautiful dress! It´s so cute ... I see the shoulder ok ...
RépondreEffacerUn beso
Wow you have a great shape - and you sew so beautifully.