Such a sad week for my sewing life !!!!
14 h 12
I have been a desperate "slow mo" in all my sewing projects. Last Saturday, I though I would sew for at least 5 hours and instead I did a little 90 minutes before taking a walk with my DH and spending with him the rest of the after noon in a tile store to finish our bathroom renovation project.
This is terrible, I have nothing interesting to show :-( bad blogger that I am.
On top of this sewing lethargy, this week is a very sad week "sewingly" speaking. A very sad week for me. My favourite fabric store is closing. Not closing to go on vacation, but closing for ever. Sigh, sigh, sigh.
I can here you say that there are other stores in Montréal. Like this one, none, there are none!!!
Madeleine soie et laine was the fabric store where I bought 90% of fabric and notions I use. They had fabric my style, in all categories of prices, for all occasions and seasons. They had wonderful buttons, zippers and such a great spirit!
I am very sad. May be this a bit why I don't feel like sewing. All I have in my stash (more or less) comes from Madeleine. All my current project are made with wool I bought there.
I would love to find a solid partner and keep it open. Do you know any one living in Montreal who would like to have a fabric store ? I am open to all suggestions. I have great ideas to make this store a very popular and unique one. With my managing position at the Université de Montréal, I need a partner who could be there 5 days a week. I cannot do it alone.
I am very, very sad. :-(
This is terrible, I have nothing interesting to show :-( bad blogger that I am.
On top of this sewing lethargy, this week is a very sad week "sewingly" speaking. A very sad week for me. My favourite fabric store is closing. Not closing to go on vacation, but closing for ever. Sigh, sigh, sigh.
I can here you say that there are other stores in Montréal. Like this one, none, there are none!!!
Madeleine soie et laine was the fabric store where I bought 90% of fabric and notions I use. They had fabric my style, in all categories of prices, for all occasions and seasons. They had wonderful buttons, zippers and such a great spirit!
I am very sad. May be this a bit why I don't feel like sewing. All I have in my stash (more or less) comes from Madeleine. All my current project are made with wool I bought there.
I would love to find a solid partner and keep it open. Do you know any one living in Montreal who would like to have a fabric store ? I am open to all suggestions. I have great ideas to make this store a very popular and unique one. With my managing position at the Université de Montréal, I need a partner who could be there 5 days a week. I cannot do it alone.
I am very, very sad. :-(
4 commentaires
Quelle triste nouvelle, je comprends très bien ton désappointement. J'habite Rouen qui compte plus de 150 000 et il n'il y a que 2 magasins de tissus qui pratique des prix exorbitants et l'autre qui ne vend que des choses assez ordinaire, quand à la mercerie, c'est la même chose.
RépondreEffacerPeut-etre tu pourrais etablir un tout petit boutique a temps partiel pour la clientele locale, avec une presence internet pour nous autres.
RépondreEffacerAnne, je serais triste aussi. Et j'aime bien l'idée de vente en ligne.
RépondreEffacerEst-ce qu'on pourrait en parler par email? lakaribane AT gmail POINT com
Salut Anne,
RépondreEffacerC'est quoi cette horrible nouvelle? Madeleine Soie et Laine qui ferme? Moi qui me réjouissais à l'avance de pouvoir dépenser mon retour d'impôt en tissus de chez Madeleine!!!!! Il me semble que ce magasin était pourtant bien fréquenté? Pourquoi elle ferme, au fait? Je nous souhaite à toutes que tu trouves un(e) partner pour le garder ouvert; tiens-nous au courant!