Le Shopping sur e-bay et Chanel
09 h 15Je n'ai pas une grande expérience des achats sur e-bay. En réalité, j'ai fait mon premier achat ce matin "ebayesque". Quelle surprise, j'ai acheté un patron! J'adore les vêtements simples est les lignes fluides et j'ai été séduite par cette robe. La vendeuse parlait d'un patron des années 1970. J'ai des petites doutes. La photo, la coiffure, le tuxedo de l'homme et son noeud papillon m'indique plutôt qu'il s'agit probablement plus d'un patron du début des années 1980.
Qu'en dites-vous?
Je connais peu de chose de Stan Herman. Voilà un designer à découvrir pour moi. Cette robe me semble un jeu d'enfant à réaliser. Je vous tiens au courant des détails du patron dès que je le reçois.
I do not have a big experiene of e-bay shopping. Well, to tell you the truth, I bought my first item on this site this morning and Oh surprise, I bought a pattern. Isn' t this incredible? I like the dress at first site, the lines are simple and flowy, my favourites when it come to clothing. I love to wear capes and flowy dresses that are moving gently in the air when I walk. The seller indicated that this pattern is from the 1970's. I have little doughts about that. The hair style, the dress, the gentelman's tuxedo and his bow tie call for the early 1980's instead.
What do you think?
I know very little about Stan Herman. Here is a designer for me to discover. So far my searches are not very fructuous. This dress seams so puerile to sew. I will keep you up to date when I receive the pattern.J'entame aujourd'hui la lecture de cette biogaphie de Grabrielle Chanel. Le film avec Audrey Tautou se base sur cette biographie. Je vous en parle en cours de lecture.
Also, I am starting this biography of Gabrielle Chanel. The movie featuring Audrey Tautou (whom you might have seen in the movie Da Vinci Code) is base on this biography. Come back later for an overview of the book.
Bon Samedi, Happy Saturday !
P.S. I love Keira... she is so natural and so Chanel
6 commentaires
I'm with the seller - that pattern is pure 1970s.
RépondreEffacerI seem to recall seeing that pattern in the late 70s. I love it and it would look très fabulous on you.
RépondreEffacerOh my God. I can't believe it. I wore that dress to the prom in 1975. Right after the pictures were taken someone spilled red punch all over me and ruined it. Luckily I had another formal at home and was able to change. I have got to find the pictures! Thanks for comment on my Mini Wardrobe on PR. Hope you like enough to cast your vote for me!
RépondreEffacerI am not an expert about vintage pattern so I will say nothing about it ;-)
RépondreEffacerBut Chanel, well ... I am not sure about the film, Miss Tautou is a good actress but i am not sure to see Chanel looking at her... how difficullt it is to create a historic-real personn, hummm...
And about the biographie, I have not read it but sometimes Chanel said the truth and sometime not, so all what she as said has to be analysed and most of time we can not decide about what she has said... à prendre avec des pincettes donc ;-) so good reading, tell us what you thing about it!
It's a gorgeous dress! Lucky you for getting that pattern!
RépondreEffacerHola Anne!!
RépondreEffacerAsí que un patrón en tu primera compra en el e-bay?? La verdad que tiene una pinta muy buena el vestido que has elegido.
Esta noche voy a ir al cine a ver la película de Coco, la verdad es que su biografía me parece muy interesante, sobre todo porque se construyó ella sola, de la nada, y al final con mucha constancia construyó su imperio.