Tailor's pressing tools part 1 - Une planche tailleur restaurée

22 h 43

Kay, The Sewing Lawyer, brought me two second hand tailor's pressing tools that were sold as over stock by Park Canada. They were in my sewing closet for months, all dusty, dirty and looking pitiful. They both desperately needed a major make over.

So last weekend I decided to get the work done. Well, partly because I felt guilty for not having taken good care of them and partly because I am working on a UFO jacket that I seriously want to finish.

The first piece I worked on is the sleeve board. I like how the first layer of fabric was sewn underneath instead of being stapled like the bigger board. It reminded me of the lacing on a corset. The top cover was removable and made to fit with an inner cushy layer made of wool felt. In the top picture you can see that the base was heavily used as riveting or punching surface.

 All layers were burned and demonstrated signs of extensive use.

Mon amie Kay m'apportait l'an dernier deux planches tailleurs ayant appartenu à Parc Canada. Cet organisme possède sur plusieurs de ses sites et à sa collection centrale des vêtements d'époque qu'il faut parfois presser et repasser. 

Ces deux planches étaient dans un état , humm comment dirais-je... un état exigeant des petits travaux de restauration. La première à laquelle je me suis attaquée est la planche pour presser les manches. Elle était couverte d'un housse de coton amovible, tandis que le feutre de laine et la toile de recouvrement était cousu en dessous, un peu à la manière des lacets d'un corset.

Comme l'ensemble de ces couches étaient irrécupérables, j'ai procédé à la confection d'une housse amovible en plus de refaire la couche coussinée de feutre et la toile la couvrant.

I am not certain that I will use this board as much as it was at Park Canada, but every time I do it will be a much appreciated to press with precision.

Here is the final result.

Le résultat est impeccable. Je suis très heureuse. J'ai hâte de l’utiliser.

I enjoy having those restored objects with plenty of sewing history. They add to the pleasure of using them.

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3 commentaires

  1. Whenever I save something like this I always feel that there is a person in heaven smiling down on me, happy that I have saved something that meant a lot to them. You now have a new angel watching over you!

  2. Rhonda, this such a beautiful thought. Thank you !


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